Draft Rectangle/ro


poziția meniului
Draft → Rectangle
Draft, Arch
Prezentat în versiune
A se vedea, de asemenea,
Part Box



Instrumentul Dreptunghi creează un dreptunghi prin alegerea a două puncte. Este nevoie de linewidth and color setată pe Bara de instrumente pentru bara de meniu. Puteți adăuga opțional un șanț de 45 de grade sau un filet circular la fiecare colț al dreptunghiului și puteți împărți dreptunghiul într-o serie de rânduri și/sau coloane de dimensiuni egale.

The corners of a Draft Rectangle can be filleted (rounded) or chamfered by changing its DateFillet Radius or DateChamfer Size respectively. It is also possible to subdivide a Draft Rectangle by changing its DateColumns and/or DateRows property.


See also: Draft Tray, Draft Snap and Draft Constrain.

Cum se utiliează

  1. Press the Draft Rectangle button, or press R then E keys
  2. Click a first corner point on the 3D view, or type a coordinate
  3. Click another opposite point on the 3D view, or type a coordinate. The rectangle will also be a face, even if it appears as wireframe.


The single character keyboard shortcuts available in the task panel can be changed. See Draft Preferences. The shortcuts mentioned here are the default shortcuts (for version 1.0).


  • Press X, Y or Z after a point to constrain the next point on the given axis.
  • To enter coordinates manually, simply enter the numbers, then press ENTER between each X, Y and Z component.
  • Press R or click the checkbox to check/uncheck the Relative button. If relative mode is on, the coordinates of the next point are relative to the last one. If not, they are absolute, taken from the (0,0,0) origin point.
  • Press T or click the checkbox to check/uncheck the Continue button. If continue mode is on, the Rectangle tool will restart after you finish or close it, allowing you to draw another one without pressing the Rectangle button again.
  • Press CTRL while drawing to force snapping your point to the nearest snap location, independently of the distance.
  • Press SHIFT while drawing to constrain your next point horizontally or vertically in relation to the last one.
  • Press I or the Filled button to have the rectangle filled with a face after it has been closed.
  • Press ESC or the Cancel button to abort the current Line command.
  • Rectangles, when in "Flat Lines" display mode, can display a hatch pattern, by setting their "Pattern" property.



See also: Preferences Editor and Draft Preferences.


  • DATELength: Specifies the length of the rectangle
  • DATEWidth: Specifies the width of the rectangle
  • DATEChamfer Size: Specifies the size of chamfered corners
  • DATEFillet Radius: Specifies a curvature radius to give to the corners of the rectangle
  • DATERows: Allows to give horizontal subdivisions to this rectangle
  • DATEColumns: Allows to give vertical subdivisions to this rectangle
  • DATEMake Face: Fills the rectangle with a face
  • VEDERETexture Image: Allows to give the path to an image file to be mapped on the rectangle. It is up to you to give the rectangle the same proportion as the image if you want to avoid distortions. Blanking this property will remove the image.
  • VEDEREPattern: Specifies a hatch pattern to fill the wire with.
  • VEDEREPattern Size: Specifies the size of the hatch pattern

See also: Property editor.

A Draft Rectangle object is derived from a Part Part2DObject and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:







Instrumentul dreptunghi poate fi folosit în macros și din consola Python utilizând următoarea funcție:

To create a Draft Rectangle use the make_rectangle method (introduced in version 0.19) of the Draft module. This method replaces the deprecated makeRectangle method.

rectangle = make_rectangle(length, height, placement=None, face=None, support=None)
  • Creează un obiect Dreptunghi Rectangle cu lungimea length în direcția X și înălțimea height în direcția Y.
  • Dacă este dată o destinație de plasare, aceasta este utilizată.
  • Dacă face is None, dreptunghiul este afișat ca un cadru de sârmă, altfel ca o fațetă.
  • Se va folosi versiunea curentă Draft Linestyle de linie și culoare.
  • Returnează obiectul nou creat.


import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

rectangle1 = Draft.make_rectangle(4000, 1000)
rectangle2 = Draft.make_rectangle(1000, 4000)

zaxis = App.Vector(0, 0, 1)
p3 = App.Vector(1000, 1000, 0)
place3 = App.Placement(p3, App.Rotation(zaxis, 45))

rectangle3 = Draft.make_rectangle(3500, 250, placement=place3)
